Wednesday, April 4, 2012

How to Increase Facebook Page Fans from 0 to 5000

If you are a newbie to Facebook, listed below are ways on how to increase Facebook page fans from 0 to 5000:

1) Post content consistently and backlink when appropriate - As people notice that content and like your page, your fans will grow and get engaged with you, and then more of your content will go viral throughout the Facebook channel, to be noticed by prospective new fans. In regard to back linking, you don't have to out link from all your posts, but make sure you do link to your company website or blog for those posts require further reading, some kind of download, or a purchase decision.

2) Post content that is engaging and relevant to people - Another way on how to increase Facebook page fans from 0 to 5000 is to post relevant content. Before you know it, fans will start liking your Page. You see, people are constantly looking for solutions to their problems and if you can demonstrate to them through good content that you have what they are looking for, you will win their loyalty.

3) Add pictures and/or How to videos - Psychology has proven it that we respond better to videos and pictures rather than just pure text. That is exactly the reason why computers developed the so called graphical user interface because of this basic psychology that we have.

4. Ask relevant questions of your fans - Engage your existing fans by asking them relevant questions. Ask them how your product has impacted their lives, what problems were you able to solve with the services that you offer and similar things.

5. Invite people to answer surveys and ask their opinions - It’s not enough to ask them questions, engage them further by inviting them on a survey. This will engage them further and you will also get feedbacks regarding what you need to improve regarding your product or service.

6. Give rewards - There are companies that give out discounts if you will “like” their business page on Facebook. You can think of similar strategies to that are applicable to your fundraising company and get the same impact. What you are trying to do is win the loyalty of people.

These are some of the things on how to increase your Facebook page fans from 0 to 5000. This is one of those daily fun activities that you can do that guarantees success to your online business. Contact Pathmaker Marketing via Skype at (623) 322-3334 if you need further assistance.

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