Monday, September 24, 2012

Promote Local Fundraising

If you are having a local fundraising event, why not exploit Facebook and email to get the word out? I mean let’s face it, who do you think doesn’t have Facebook or an email account? If you can get the word out through these media, you can expect more results and lesser expenses compared to having to rely mainly on flyers and tarpaulins.

How to use Facebook

Facebook is not only a good way to connect with relatives and friends, it also an excellent tool to announce a fundraising event. Think about it, what you’ve got in there is already a captured audience, compared to flyers and tarpaulins wherein people can choose not to read or even look at them. People on Facebook can choose to ignore you as well but, it is less likely because what you’ve got there are people who know and trust you. Here’s how you can use Facebook topromote a fundraising event:

1. Create and event - Create an event in Facebook ideally on the Fundraiser’s own account. Make sure that after you filled in the necessary details, that you click “anyone can view and RSVP” so that it is made public. You should also click “show guest list on event page” so that people can see who are invited and can invite new people.

Once the event goes live and you have invited your friends and they have RSVP, their friends can now see it on their wall too. This will make your invitation viral.

2. Post the event on your wall - On your personal Facebook account, you can also post the event on your wall and invite your friends too. If this is a ticket event, make sure to post a link to where they can buy the tickets.

3. Post regular updates - Make sure to post regular updates so that those who are coming will be informed. Soon the event will be on your friend’s, friends and friends wall too.

How to Use Email

Before there was Facebook, email is the way to send our words for fundraising and it still a very effective tool to inform. A lot of infomercials are still using emails and the trend will like to continue in the years to come. Here’s how you can use email to send the word out:

1.  Design the flow of mails - You don’t just send the mails blindly, it has to follow a design flow. For example, you can start with a request, then you follow it up with supporting quotes and related client’s story. You can then send a third mail encouraging people to donate and a fourth, thanking them.

2.  Build an subscriber list - We have put together an article detailing the importance of a quality subscriber list. If the list is not qualified, you cannot expect a good performance.

3.  Create an effective email - When writing an email for fundraising, make sure that you fill in the necessary details but don’t make it too verbose that the recipient will be tempted to delete it.

4.  Choose the best broadcast tool - This is the caveat of email; without a good broadcast tool, you will be sending it one by one or you can cc it to everybody in the list. A broadcast tool will make the job a lot easier because it can send thousands of emails at once.

When creating a charity event, your goal should be to minimize the overall expenses so that all the proceeds raised will go directly to the charity. Using Facebook and email accomplished just this so if you haven’t done it yet, you better start now.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Effective Strategies in Email Fundraising

It is obvious that any successful endeavor is the result of someone developing and implementing a specific, successful strategy.  Email Fundraising is no exception.  Any e-mail marketing professionalworth their salt knows this to be true.  And, a real e-mail marketing specialist will tell you that there are actually five strategies that you can employ to ensure that your email marketing program is, in fact, a successful one.

E-MAILS TIED TO CURRENT EVENTS - This is pretty self-explanatory.  What you need to do
is keep abreast with the news and develop an email campaign that revolves around what is transpiring.  This, of course, is dependent on the fact that your cause is one that is news worthy.  A good example of this might be if you are part of a Tornado Relief Fund.  During

DIRECT MAIL/E-MAIL COMBO - E-Mail Marketing Firms will tell you that the
advent of an email marketing campaign should not be the demise of other fundraisers that have worked for you in the past.  In this instance, you should come up with a Direct Mail offer and send it out.  Then, some seven to ten days later you follow up with an e-mail version of the same offer.  Together these allow you to really enhance the chance of success of your fundraising efforts.

MONTHLY “THEMED” E-MAIL CAMPAIGNS Virtually every month has a holiday or event
that you can “build” an e-mail fundraising campaign around.  For example, May lends itself to two causes:  Unwed Mothers and Veterans.  Mothers Day allows you to touch people’s heartstrings regarding those moms who have no one to help care for them and their needs, and Memorial Day is a “natural” for seeking aid for our War Veterans.

                “STAND ALONE” E-MAIL FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN - Here, you want to make an offer
that is totally exclusive to the e-mail you send.  To make these most effective, it is wise to have a time limit in which recipients must respond to benefit from your offer. Remember, all such offers should revolve around and be related to the cause you are trying to raise funds for.

Tornado Season there are ample news stories for you to mount a most effective e-mail program around.

                MEDIA/E-MAIL COMBO - Again, you are utilizing more than one method to supplement your
fundraising efforts.  In this situation, you make your offer on either the Radio or TV.  Then, you follow up later that same day with an e-mail that re-enforces your initial offer.  This should not be a “Current Event” driven email but, rather, be centered around a pre-conceived offer that you present.

If you find all of this a little overwhelming, you may want to contact a Professional E-Mail Marketing Service like PATHMAKER MARKETING, LLC to assist you with your email marketing undertakings.  An e-mail marketing company of long standing, we not only know how to implement these five strategies, we also have a track record of success that you will find most impressive

Monday, September 10, 2012

Web Design Services

Have you ever been on a Blind Date? Have you noticed that your first, and foremost, concern is how attractive the other person is? Remember how thrilled you were when you discovered that they were "drop dead" beautiful? Then, after three minutes with them, you felt your excitement wane as you discovered they were about as shallow as a kiddy wading pool? Websites are a lot like a Blind Date - - you want them to be attractive enough to catch someone's eye, but you want them to have enough depth and substance to keep their attention once they decide to check it out. At Pathmaker Marketing LLC we understand all the ins and outs of Website Design, and chances are we can create the perfect site for you!. 

Schedule a Free Consultation now and receive two valuable white papers on web design and communication.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Be a WINNER with Contests and Sweepstakes!

While the use of Contests and Sweepstakes is an obvious boon forBusinesses by enhancing your company's brand, it can be equally beneficial for Charities as well. The programs are especially effective when combined with a local live eventHEART FOR THE CITY, an organization dedicated to improving the lives and conditions of underprivileged youth in the Inner City of Glendale, Arizona, incorporated a Contest and Sweepstakes to coincide with an elegant dinner they planned for February they dubbed A Valentine Affair. Conducted prior to the event, the Contest And Sweepstakesculminated with a drawing at the A Valentine Affair dinner.
To learn how, exactly, you and your Company can benefit fromContests and Sweepstakes you need to contact Pathmaker Marketing LLC to schedule a private phone conversation with CEO Randall Mains as quickly as possible. Remember, YOU can't win if you don't let OTHERS play!!!
Why not get started right away! Select the package that best fits your budget in the form below, and we'll get right to work on your behalf. Click here to read more: