Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Free Website Evaluation

Is your website a pretty billboard ...
or hard core horsepower for company growth?

When we evaluate sites, we often look first at aesthetics, because you don't need to drop a million bucks to look like a million-dollar organization. If your look and feel is broken, it's time to get that problem fixed pronto.

But more often than not, the real issue is not a surface problem, but a underlying functional one. Does your website work hard at converting site traffic into useable assets? Lists, leads, sales or donations -- If you're not actively getting these from your site traffic, your pretty billboard isn't performing its most strategic marketing role.

Properly done, a company website is fully capable of making substantial contributions to your company growth.

Functionality is key. Let Pathmaker perform its functional evaluation of your site, and see how you stack up against this litmus test. If you need help improving, like many sites do, we can give you a easy-to-understand proposal on how we can help you get up to code.

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